“Maria’s” Story

A survivor of domestic abuse over several years, “Maria,” a female client in her mid-40’s, sought recent treatment at a Gavin Farrell Foundation partner agency. 

Maria’s therapist was trained in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), a specific type of cognitive behavioral therapy that is effective in reducing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  

Over several years, Maria’s attacker had emotionally and physically harmed her, having attempted to murder her on multiple occasions. When she talked about her life, she was immobilized with anxiety – struggling to identify her purpose and how to be a productive member of society. Her negative thoughts about herself and others consumed her, and she was in a constant state of fear that her ex-abuser would locate her whereabouts. The relentless feelings were diminishing her ability to enjoy the basic aspects of life and positive self-identification.

Following her PTSD assessment conducted by her therapist, her score of 71 on the PTSD checklist (PCL-5) showed signs of severe PTSD, along with acute depression. A course of action for Maria’s care was determined and an action plan was put in place. During the sessions, Maria was informed of her treatment options, including CPT and both parties agreed on the approach.

Maria successfully completed 12 sessions of CPT with remarkable results. She experienced an immediate reduction in PTSD and depression symptoms and by her final session, her PTSD symptoms lowered to 16 on a scale of 0-80. By the end of the treatment plan, Maria was able to challenge her initial beliefs and recognize the true blame for the trauma. Her energy and drive resumed, and she successfully sought a new career field where she was comfortable communicating positive self traits.